My Project

A comparison of Pulse-sampling and high-frequency-sampling results: an investigation of methods.

So that I can visit all of my sites in one day, I will be sampling a subset of Pulse sites at a higher frequency (every day or every other day)

I will compare my results from high-frequency sampling to the results from the Pulse.  This will give researchers here an idea as to whether or not the resource-intensive Pulse is necessary to get an accurate snapshot of the forest.

I will also investigate patterns in the development of vegetation and insects as they relate to the microclimates in the Andrews (as a result of differences in elevation, cold air drainage and pooling, etc.).

I have a conference call on Wednesday to discuss my findings.  This is the general idea of what we will be discussing.  I wanted to post the whole document, but it's too big for Google Docs.

Never fear! Here it is as multiple PDFs...This is not my final report, but a condensed version for the discussion.  All of the graphs make it sooo long!