I've been chipping away at my final report. Even though I'm feeling overwhelmed by the statistical tests and amount of writing I have to do, I'm sure I can finish in time. As of today, 10 more days here! I can't believe how the time has flown by, especially in these last weeks. While I'm really excited to see my family and
move on to the next adventure, I'll be sad to leave this beautiful spot and all of the friends I've made.
We had a pizza party for dinner last night with our neighbors. I made the dough with basil, garlic and pine nuts. I also made a dessert pizza crust with some brown sugar and pecans.

Amy prepping her pizza

Dessert pizza #1: banana, apple, peanut butter, chocolate

Dessert Pizza #2: glaze, plum, peach, blueberry

Jessica prepping dessert pizza
And that's all I have for now!
I think the HJA makes pizza taste even better. Those look fantastic!